The Process

City leaders and staff have been engaging residents and experts to identify critical needs and top priorities for a new community center.

A Collaborative Process

2021: The city commissioned a facility assessment of the community center and fire department, completed by BKV Group in July of 2021. The assessment provided a more detailed analysis about the facility challenges of both the community center and fire department.

2023: In February 2023, a committee of residents was formed to work with the city on concepts, planning, priorities, and logistics for the potential new community center. Looking ahead, the committee will continue to review and advise planning as the project moves forward.

An online survey posted to the city’s website found that residents wanted a facility that could support more meetings, programs and events. Several important needs were identified, including:

  • Larger facility with a wider range of services and activities

  • Community meeting spaces

  • Comfortable and updated furniture

  • Modern facility and aesthetics

  • Improved technology, including projectors and speakers

  • Updated bathroom facilities

  • Better acoustics

Learn more about the cost.